Just checked out this piece from Boston Metro, via Globe Sports Online, which is an interview between BM reporter David Sandora and former Commonwealth Idiot, Judas Demon.
In the brief piece Damon gushes about his playing for the Yankees and living in the Big Apple in general, things he would have been loathe to do just two short years ago. A few of the comments struck me as quite amusing, if not for their idiocy then their sheer assholeishness (I can use that word here):
-On his first year living in New York, Captain Caveman says "It was incredible. After a night game, you’re able to go and find something to eat. Every other place I’ve played, you couldn’t do that."
Ah, I know I've been a Floridian for 14 years now, but last time I was home I remember that most restaurants/bars/clubs were open until at least 2:00 a.m., and after that everyone knew where to go for after hours carousing. Night games are over by 10-10:30, plus an hour & a half for post-game bullshit still leaves you on Yawkey Way by midnight with a smorgasbord of options for your wining & dining pleasure. In other words, what the hell is he talking about?
-Asked if there was anything that surprised him about playing for the Stanks, CC replied "I think just the way they do stuff, it’s incredible. How the simplest things — having two buses before a game on the road, two buses after the game — we’re the only people who did that."
Note the disgusting use of the word "we", and also chuckle at how a former self-proclaimed idiot who enjoyed long hair, Jack Daniels and sluts thinks so highly of the fact that his new team has two buses for the players' royal pampered asses.
-But the kicker had to be his response to the inevitable query about his long-lost shaggy mane; did he miss his hirsute visage? "No. Actually, the hair was going to come off regardless of what team I signed with."
And that's why we hate you, you f-ing traitor. Keep your shorn locks and double-bussed ass in the Big Apple, and may an enraged former fan serve you an extra "special" pot of cold tea next time you're looking for a late night snack in Chinatown.

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