
A special shout out to a great new website

I want to take a moment to thank the folks behind BlogInterviewer.com for asking me to be included on their innovative new site.

What sets this site apart for all the run-of-the-mill blogrolls is that BlogInterviewer lets the reader actually preview various sites by providing a screenshot as well as a mini-interview with its creator, not just a soulless, impersonal link. Very cool.

This is a terrific way for lesser-known blogs like mine to get our name out there among the traffic heavyweights, and I have little doubt it will catch on like wildfire.

And I'm not just saying that because they were kind enough to ask me to be a part of it.

Really, I'm not.

Anyway, please click the link above and peruse the site yourself; if you want to shoot directly to my page (and I know you do), click here.

Thanks again to Mike Thomas and the rest of the gang for choosing my humble little blog, and keep up the great work!

1 comment:

Mike said...

Thanks, Curt. We appreciate your kind words.

Mike Thomas