
Sox Drawer: Remy stirs up a fuss on the Internets

During last night's awful loss to Kansas City, Remy & Orsillo engaged in a mini-skit in which Remy read a supposed application to become President of Red Sox Nation from someone who called himself "The Sports Guy."

What else are you gonna do when you're getting blitzed by the Royals?

Anyone who's from Boston, loves sports and has a keyboard in front of them knows who The Sports Guy is--Bill Simmons, a transplanted Bostonian sports writer who used to write for Jimmy Kimmel and who now spends three-four days a week mainly blogging about the NBA draft on ESPN.com.

Like most former nobodies who have gone on to make it big, Simmons is no longer as good, or more importantly, as funny as he used to be. Whether it was the move to the West Coast, or his parochial slant for writing about all things Boston, The Sports Guy, much like The Nation he came from, is a constant object of ridicule & scorn.

So when the two worlds collided last night during the Sox game, the rest of the sports universe took notice. And ridiculed.

The folks at the terrific sports media blog Awful Announcing have posted the entire transcript of what took place, so I'm just gonna link to that here so I don't have to reproduce the whole thing myself (thanks, AA!)

Suffice it to say the awkward, faux-ripping of Simmons by Remy drew numerous and varied responses, most falling in the "Simmons sucks and so does the whole Red Sox Nation" range.


Look, as a member of the Nation I can see where the rest of the country is coming from, i.e. it comes off as a "we are a holier than thou fandom that infiltrates opponents arenas and cause a ruckus basically because we are taking seats from uninterested local fans."


But the absolute hatred and misdirected animosity from commenters on the web is getting to be a little ridiculous.

Here are just a few remarks from the commenters on anti-ESPN blog Deadspin.com, who with their inside jokes and retarded avatars & user names come off like a high school clique, minus the Popular Ones:

--"You see, this is why the rest of us think you are all douchebags."

--"I find myself hating Red Sox fans more and more with each passing day. President of 'Red Sox Nation'? Spare me."

--"We should just nuke the Red Sox Nation now. "

Funny stuff.

I personally find all this vitriol highly amusing, and said as much in my comment response on AA.

Just as well because when we win the title again this year we're only going to multiply until we eventually overrun every stadium in the major leagues and aggravate every snarky commenter out there, and then they can their sites with runneth over with animosity for all things Red Sox.

Because in this war of words, this Nation is going to be the last one standing.


Anonymous said...

Nice cut and paste from Boston Dirt Dogs.

J Rose said...


I'm not sure what you are referring to, but after I just scanned the BDD site I assume it must be Awful Announcing's transcript of the exchange.